Frog Time
(TCU Time and Attendance System)
Frog Time is TCU’s time and attendance system. This system has several benefits including:
- Eliminating paper timekeeping (hours worked) forms
- Streamlining the collection and entry of hours worked
- Online routing for supervisor authorization
- “Real Time” Reports (i.e., which employees are currently at work, reaching maximum weekly hours worked)
- Consistency in the application of pay practices
- Reports for federal requirements (i.e., Department of Labor)
The system is transparent and bilingual. Time worked is visible to employees and information may be displayed in English or Spanish. The clock-in and clock-out process is as easy as swiping your TCU ID or entering your TCU ID number.
The following training resources are available for reference.
- Mandatory Frog Time Training for Managers
- If you cannot access the class from this link contact hrfrogtime@tcu.edu.
- TCU Frog Time Clock Operations Video
- TCU Frog Time Manager Training Video
- Setting Up a Delegate
- teams@work.
- Articles
Hourly/Bi-Weekly (Non-exempt) employees have always been required to track their time. Frog Time is now the time keeping platform fro TCU.
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